The Benefits of Going Online

COVID-19 has changed the way many of us work, and counsellors and therapists like me are no exception.

Before all this began, I worked with with people face-to-face at a couple of different locations in Victoria, BC. When the pandemic hit, like many other people, I had to figure out new ways of working. In the beginning, this seemed daunting – especially in the atmosphere of anxiety around health, the unknown, money and just about every other aspect of life that had suddenly become so acute. And yet, it very quickly became apparent that I could continue to work with people just as effectively and enjoyably – and in many ways with more flexibility and efficiency.

For one thing, I discovered that I could now see people from much farther afield. I was no longer limited to Victoria. So far I have clients in a number of cities in British Columbia, and also in Ontario and Saskatchewan.

Wherever you live, we can work together.

It’s also meant that my wife and I have been able to move seamlessly back to our home on Gabriola Island after a five-year stay in Victoria. This had been the plan for a while, but before COVID it was going to involve a good deal of travel back and forth between Gabriola and Victoria. Now I am able to stay put where I like being most and continue to work with people wherever they are.

Clients also tell me that online counselling saves them time and expense. No travel on either side of your appointment, no looking for parking spots, none of that … all you need is an hour, an internet connection and a place where you can have some privacy. That’s it!

I’ve discovered that most of the things I used to do in a face-to-face session are perfectly do-able online as well … not only talk, though this is a big part of the work, but also breath and movement which are so important in dealing with trauma, anxiety and depression. The relationship between me and my clients – which is crucial to good counselling – develops quite naturally online, and for many people, working in this way from their own home actually makes it easier to do deep and effective work.

Even if you have doubts about online counselling, I encourage you to give it a go. I think you’ll be surprised!